Synyshyn M.
postgraduate student of educational-scientific-production center at National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2023.2-6
The paper analyzes foreign experience of the state border security formation on the example of the Republic of Poland. The doctrinal approaches of administrative law, the provisions of national and foreign legislation, the specifics of its implementation are systematically considered to substantiate proposals and process conclusions regarding legal regulation in the field of combating illegal migration and protecting the state border.
The evolution of formation, organizational and legal foundations and trends in the development of the border service of the Republic of Poland and its use in the implementation of state migration policy have been studied. Using a retrospective review, a combination of performance by bodies intended for protection was established. A combination of performance by bodies intended for the protection of state borders of the duties inherent in military and law enforcement formations was established.
The interdependence of the influence of legal norms on legal relations that develop in the field of combating illegal migration and ensuring border security has been clarified. In accordance with this, migration legislation and legislation on the state border include regulatory (determine the model for the legal entry of a migrant and stay on the territory of the country), law enforcement (establish appropriate rules of conduct, responsibility and regulate the use of other enforcement measures in case of violation of migration norms) and organizational (determine the competence of the authorities, which are involved in the process of combating illegal migration) regulatory legal acts.
Attention on the ideology of integrated border management is focused, on which the adaptation of a number of provisions of the European experience in protecting the state border of Ukraine is based.
Key words: European experience of state border security, management mechanisms, state bodies.
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