Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.
Doctor in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, ead of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of the Training Research and Production Centre
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2022.1-17
The article defines the concept of judicial reform in Ukraine from the standpoint of the development of electronic courts and the introduction of artificial intelligence technologies in this context. It was revealed that today the tools of artificial intelligence cause discussions in the scientific environment on the subject of their perspective and the necessity of application. It has been proven that developed positive foreign practices (in particular, the USA, China, France) regarding the use of such tools in judicial proceedings contribute to the unhindered and full realization by citizens of their rights to judicial protection. On this basis, it is recommended to take into account such positive foreign practices in Ukraine, which are especially relevant for it due to external military aggression by Russia. It is emphasized that such illegal actions make it impossible to exercise the right to judicial protection, but it is recognized that their effect can be neutralized with the help of the introduction of artificial intelligence tools, the development of electronic courts, etc.
Key words: court, judge, judicial system, legal proceedings, jurisdiction, justice, reform, public management concept, right to judicial protection, artificial intelligence technologies.
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