Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.

doctor in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of the Training Research and Production Centre


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2021.1-15


The articles consider the provisions of the Strategy for the Development of the Justice System and Constitutional Court Proceedings for 2021-2023. The problems that exist in this area are identified, namely related to the implementation of the principles and directions of the development of the justice system, strengthening the functional and procedural capacity of the Supreme Court, conducting an audit of the activities of local and appellate courts, simplifying access to justice, etc. Information regarding changes in the dynamics of the number of considered court cases in the appellate instance (between 2018 and 2021) was analyzed. It has been established that there is a 6.5-fold increase in the number of court cases considered by the appellate courts of Ukraine. In this regard, a solution to these problems is proposed as part of the modernization of the public administration system and the decentralization of power. A special role is assigned to the solution of organizational and personnel measures.

Keywords: justice system, constitutional judiciary, modernization of public administration, decentralization of power, strategy for the development of the justice system and constitutional proceedings, judge.


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