Gorin A.

Training Research and Production Centre of National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2023.2-8


Foreign models of the functioning of the organizational mechanism of the state regulation of physical culture and sports activities have been identified. The first model involves the application of a liberal approach to the regulation of physical culture and sports activities in some countries of the world. It has been found that today there is an increase in the role of state influence in this sphere of relations. This is intended to provide conditions for the sustainable functioning of national and international systems of sports relations, protection of public and private legitimate interests of participants in sports relations, as well as generally recognized moral values. The complication of the interaction of public and private systems of regulation of physical culture and sports activities occurs within the second model of the functioning of the organizational mechanism of the state regulation of physical culture and sports activities abroad - the interventionist model. In Ukraine, a more liberal model is being implemented in the researched sphere of state regulation. This happens in view of the integration aspirations of Ukraine. In this context, the importance of implementing Recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe No. CM/Rec (2011) "On the principle of the autonomy of sports in Europe" is recognized in the domestic territory. It is emphasized that all this determines the need for further scientific and practical research in order to find effective mechanisms of their interaction and criteria for their optimal combination.

Key words: state regulation, physical culture and sport, model, development, abroad.


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