Vasyliev O.B.

doctoral student of the Training, Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Defense of Ukraine.


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2023.1-21


The article analyzes modern problems of comprehensive development of corruption. It was determined that corruption affects a person and complicates the life of an average citizen due to the strengthening of bureaucracy and stratification of political elites. The study of political corruption leads to the need to introduce a complex typology of this phenomenon. It has been determined that corruption, and with it oligarchy, reach their greatest extent where market relations are not yet sufficiently mature, and political power is unstable. It is especially emphasized that a system can only be defeated by another system. Therefore, a systematic, non-traditional approach is needed in the fight against corruption.

Key words: corruption, political elites, anti-corruption policy, public administration, bureaucracy.


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