Zharov D.
graduate student, V.I. Vernadsky Taurida National University, Kyiv
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.1-19
The article describes approaches to the formation of public management mechanisms in the field of sustainable development of urban agglomerations, as well as factors that affect the functioning of such mechanisms. Among these approaches, geographical, economic, urban planning, institutional, etc. are distinguished. It is recognized that urbanization and related processes have a special place among the factors influencing the formation of urban agglomerations. Taking into account this fact, the definition of urban agglomerations as a multi-component object of public administration, which develops in certain institutional conditions, is justified. In addition, it is justified to apply a complex management approach to the characterization of public management mechanisms in the field of sustainable development of urban agglomerations, which (mechanisms) set in motion the relevant institutions (social, political, legal, etc.). The legal acts of Ukraine are analyzed from the point of view of defining the processes of urbanization in them and their influence on the formation and functioning of urban agglomerations.
Key words: mechanisms of public administration, sustainable development, agglomerations, urban agglomerations, urbanization, urbanization processes, urban planning, regions.
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