Vasyuk A.

PhD student of Zaporizhzhia National University
ORCID: 0000-0002-0398-5226


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-11


The article analyzes the areas of state activity to ensure humanitarian development. Examines the problems of the humanitarian crisis, substantiates the development of state cultural policy, the scenario for implementing the tasks set for the preservation and development of the cultural and educational space, as well as the possibilities of regions in the modernization and innovative development of the main types and areas in the activities of culture, art, and education.

Draws attention to the role of humanitarian policy as a factor in the progressive, sustainable development of regions. reveals the possibilities of state and municipal authorities in the development of the humanitarian and cultural space. This concerns not only its financing but also the quality of provision and availability of cultural and leisure services. The problem of effective marketing in the cultural sector, more active interaction of state and municipal authorities with the business community in matters of humanitarian policy in the region is actualized. Priority areas of humanitarian development are highlighted, and an assessment of the cultural potential of the regions is given. It is proposed to increase emphasis on priority areas of development in the cultural sector.

Keywords: state humanitarian policy, cultural policy, humanitarian crisis, public administration, cultural and educational space, modernization, innovation process. 


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