Kukhar I.
PhD student of Training, Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv
ORCID: 0009-0008-2525-3684
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-15
The paper analyzes the formation and implementation of state policy, which is a multi-stage, problem-based, interconnected process in which there are various decision-making blocks, in the context of the existence of three branches of government within the framework of the general state direction of conducting affairs. It is not possible to single out the most significant type of state policy, since state policy in its conceptual content clearly expresses the general interests of the population and citizens as a whole, is their concentrated reflection, which contributes to the maintenance and reproduction of the socio-political integrity of society.
The healthcare system is one of the links in the social sphere along with education, culture, and other spheres of society. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that the healthcare system is currently in the process of reform and modernization, concepts, programs, and projects are being adopted, but as part of social integrity, public administration in this segment has several specific characteristics, analysis and special attention to which are the basis for the effectiveness and efficiency of public policy in the field of healthcare.
The object of the study is state policy as a set of basic principles, norms, and activities for the implementation of state power.
The subject is state policy in the field of health care.
Keywords: state policy, state mechanisms, healthcare, social state policy.
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