Lozova O.
PhD student of Training, Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv
ORCID: 0000-0002-0661-202X
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-16
The problem of extra-budgetary activities of budgetary institutions in the cultural sector is currently significant for the functioning of the budgetary sector since the overwhelming majority of budgetary services of a social nature are provided by budgetary institutions. However, large-scale reforms are being carried out within this sector, which could significantly reduce the importance of this problem. Some budgetary institutions must retain their organizational and legal form. Moreover, the criteria for budgetary institutions in the cultural sector to maintain their organizational and legal form have not yet been clearly defined. In any case, even after the introduction of new organizational and legal forms, a certain number of budgetary institutions will remain for which the issue of extra-budgetary revenues will remain relevant.
Considering cultural institutions as a specific type of business entity that transforms resources using a special operational process into a special final product - a social service of a cultural nature, in the context of the task of managing this object, it is necessary, in our opinion, to proceed from the fact that it functions:
1) within the framework of interaction with other organizations representing various social and economic institutions, which constitute its external environment;
2) forming an internal environment adequate to these connections and their tasks - a structured set of elements of the organization, the interaction of which allows to ensure the production of the product.
This approach makes it possible to fully use the methodology and methodical solutions of modern, including strategic management, in the state management of the sphere of culture, one of the basic concepts of which is the provision that the basis of an effective purposeful change in the state of the sphere of culture is a full and objective accounting of the impact on of external factors and the construction of a rational internal environment.
Keywords: state regulatory mechanisms, budgetary institutions in the cultural sector, income and expenses of budgetary institutions, entrepreneurial activity of budgetary institutions.
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