Hryn D.
PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor of the Department of Occupational Safety and Technogenic and Environmental Safety of the National University of Civil Defence of Ukraine, Kharkiv
ORCID: 0000-0003-1687-6923
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-23.
The article analyzes the state of state regulation of the economic provision of the system of life safety of the population. The study of the main theoretical provisions of the methodology of state regulation of the development of the life safety system was carried out and it was found that currently, the theories of its economic support are in the stage of adaptation to the modern conditions of the country's development, increasing the level of its competitiveness on international markets. It was determined that the national economic system is created and developed slowly, which leads to the deterioration of the economic situation in the country.
Keywords: livelihood security, economic security, socio-economic security, emergency situation, crisis situation.
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