Kasian O.
researcher of Training Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine Kharkiv
ORCID: 0000-0003-2582-3794
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-24
The article examines the legal status and operational framework of the Unified State Civil Protection System (USCPS) of Ukraine in managing emergency situations. The research analyzes the structural elements, hierarchical organization, and functional mechanisms of the USCPS, emphasizing its role in ensuring population safety and territorial protection. The study reveals that the system operates on multiple levels - state, regional, and local - with specific responsibilities and authorities assigned to each level. The research identifies three operational modes of the USCPS: daily activity, increased readiness, and emergency mode, each activated according to the severity and scale of potential or actual emergencies. The article highlights the significance of preventive measures and the system's dual-level emergency response mechanism at territorial and state levels. The study demonstrates that the USCPS's effectiveness depends on clear legal regulation, proper coordination between its subsystems, and adequate resource allocation. The research concludes that successful emergency management relies on implementing comprehensive legislation, state target programs, and international scientific-technical cooperation, supported by practical experience in preventive measures. The findings emphasize the importance of specific preventive measures of scientific, engineering-technical, and technological nature in reducing emergency risks and minimizing potential losses.
Keywords: Civil protection system, emergency management, legal regulation, safety management, preventive measures, crisis response, territorial subsystems, state emergency service, public safety, emergency prevention.
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