Kozyra I.

Lecturer, Department of Emergency Situations Elimination, Institute of Postgraduate Education, Lviv State University of Life Safety, Lviv
ORCID: 0009-0006-0368-2977


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-4


The conceptual principles of the formation of public administration in the field of civil protection in Ukraine from the perspective of ensuring its national security have been studied. It has been revealed that the concept of risk is becoming relevant today, this conclusion was made in view of the increasing number of challenges to national and civil security in Ukraine, which are transformed into dangers, posing a threat to the life and health of its population and the territories in which it lives. It is emphasized that the Concept of Risk Management of Emergencies of a Technogenic and Natural Nature was adopted in 2014, and it requires updating in view of the growing number of threats to the civil security of Ukraine. In addition, the structure of the public administration system in the field of civil protection has been studied, which allowed us to systematize the principles and tasks of public administration in this area. We recommend that they be included in the updated Concept of Risk Management of Emergencies of a Technogenic and Natural Nature, also focusing on military emergencies.

Keywords: public administration, public administration system, mechanisms, national security, civil security, civil protection, emergencies, authorities, concept.


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