Horstka O.

researcher of Training Research and Production Center of the National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine Kharkiv
ORCID: 0009-0000-6748-2532


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-30


The article examines the strategic aspects of financial interaction within public-private partnerships (PPP) in Ukraine. The research analyzes the evolution of PPP concepts, modification of its forms and models, with particular focus on financial mechanisms of cooperation between state and business structures. The study reveals that PPP serves as a system-forming core for managing socially significant projects and programs implementation. The paper identifies key barriers to PPP development in Ukraine, including insufficient strategic planning and forecasting, and proposes solutions based on international experience. Special attention is paid to innovative projects within PPP framework and their role in economic modernization. The research demonstrates that effective PPP implementation requires systematic approach to partnership formation, analysis of contributing and hindering factors, and institutional environment improvement. The paper proposes mechanisms for enhancing PPP efficiency through intellectual core formation in management systems based on team networks. The study concludes that strategic partnership between business and government can facilitate Ukraine's transition to a new economic development model through economy diversification and innovation-based reproduction.

Key words: public-private partnership, strategic partnership, financial interaction, innovation development, institutional environment, investment projects, banking sector, economic modernization


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