Kovtun I.
PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Administration, Leonid Yuzkov Khmelnytskyi University of Management and Law
ORCID: 0000-0001-8530-8642
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-31
In the context of Ukraine's active European integration, the transformation of the national higher education system in accordance with European standards is of particular importance. European integration processes are taking place against the background of modern society's globalization, within which the Bologna Process is developing, aimed at creating a unified higher education space as the foundation for the European Union's competitive economy.
The official beginning of the convergence of European countries' higher education systems is considered to be June 19, 1999, when the Declaration on the Creation of a European Higher Education Area was signed in Bologna, Italy. For Ukraine, this process gained particular relevance after signing the Association Agreement with the European Union, which opened new opportunities while simultaneously presenting new challenges to our state's higher education system.
The Bologna Process is based on the principle of prioritizing learning outcomes over time and content of education, implemented through a competency-based approach. An important aspect is the harmonization of the European higher education system architecture, manifested in the compatibility of academic degrees and development of academic mobility. This is achieved through implementing a three-level system: bachelor's - master's - doctoral studies, with clear differentiation of graduates' competencies at each level.
Key words: European integration, higher education transformation, Bologna Process, academic mobility, education quality assurance, university autonomy, competency-based approach, educational reforms.
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