Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.

Doctor in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of the Training Research and Production Centre

Lopatchenko I.

PhD of Public Administration, Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre  National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine

Batyr Yu.

PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2021.2-6


It was found that the COVID-19 pandemic has aggravated the range of existing problems of women in different countries of the world, including Ukraine. Understanding the nature of these problems will help state authorities to determine the priority actions for their solution, and will make it possible to select better approaches to the way out. This paper systematizes the main problems of gender inequality in Ukraine and contains the rationale for the concepts of urgent and strategic ways to support women and men based on the experience of the OECD member states in order to ensure their fair and inclusive re-establishment amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key words: gender opportunities, state of implementation, Ukraine, COVID-19 pandemic.


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