Vladymyrov M.
PhD in Public administration Associate Professor of Fire Training, Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs
Paliukh V.
PhD in Public Administration Senior Research Fellow of State Security Research Department of Educational-scientific-production center, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2021.2-8
The article considers the main competencies of law enforcement officers who have
the right to use firearms, as a force representing the state to maintain law and order, and
prevent violations of human rights and security, which allows to determine the levels of
possible use of firearms as a form of coercion and influence on civil society, as well as to
identify its subjects and objects - to identify all participants in such a process, and the
impact on large social groups in order to comply with the rule of law in society.
Key words: state security, use of firearms, coercion by the state, public order,
combating crime, ensuring the safety of citizens.
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