Korotenko D.O.

researcher of Zaporizhzhia National University of Zaporizhia


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2021.2-19


The article examines the evolution of the institution of governance and
local self-government in the Republic of Poland. On the example of experience,
an analysis of effective mechanisms for implementing reforms in local selfgovernment of the Republic of Poland, and highlights the positive aspects of such
reforms. In this regard, the study of the institution of self-government in those
countries where the basic conditions of state-building are closest to the
Ukrainian ones are of special interest for domestic political science. It is the
Republic of Poland, where a multi-stage administrative and political reform has
been carried out, which contributes to the "new birth" and further reform of the
institution of local self-government.
Formulation of the problem. The idea of self-government in Poland is not
to manage local affairs in general and to represent the interests of the state, but
to represent the interests of a society that chooses its own government. At the
same time, local governments operate under the supervision of state bodies that
monitor the implementation of laws. Structurally, the system of local selfgovernment in Poland is three-tiered, namely: voivodship, county, gmina. It is the
study of foreign experience of close countries that have shown effective policies in
local government reform, and analysis to use the most effective experience for use
in modern Ukraine.

Key words: local government; theories of local government; local government public theory, experience of Poland


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