Slipets Vita
post-graduate student of the Department of Regional Management and Local Self-Government of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2022.1-10
Ensuring effective interaction in the system of public authorities is one of the main problems in the development of public administration in Ukraine. In recent years, the current political situation has provided many examples of problematic situations in the relationship between the authorities along the lines: centre - regional level, centre - local level, regional level - local level, local government - local government, government - private sector, public authorities - public organizations, triads of public authorities - the private sector - public organizations, which in some cases resulted in open conflicts between various institutions and public authorities. As the analysis shows, the common cause of problems and conflicts is the lack of regulation of powers, responsibilities, various bases of exercising the competence of the relevant structures. All this significantly affected the effectiveness of the government system in Ukraine.
Key words: local authorities, process of improving, territorial organization,power in ukraine
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