Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.

Doctor in Public Administration, Senior Researcher, Head of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.

Batyr Yu.

PhD of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.

Lopatchenko I.

PhD of Public Administration, Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine.


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2023.2-15


The article analyzes the scientific developments of domestic scientists and the provisions of the current legal framework of Ukraine on the subject of determining the legal and political limits of guaranteeing the institutional security of the state. It was revealed that there is no single universally recognized concept of "institutional capacity of the state" and "institutional security of the state" on the national territory. Considering this, it is recommended that the institutional capacity of Ukraine should be understood as the ability of its state apparatus to withstand external and internal risks and threats, which is possible under the condition of the development of political subsystems and legal institutions. In addition, it insists on distinguishing the legal and organizational subsystems of public administration, which are designed to guarantee and maintain the institutional security of the state. Taking into account the legal differentiation in the definition of the security system of Ukraine, it is proposed to legislate the concept of "institutional security of the state" by amending the Law of Ukraine "On National Security of Ukraine". We believe that this type of security involves the effective activity of public institutions in the direction of ensuring the state of security of Ukraine's national interests.

Key words: public administration, the state, institutional security of the state, institutional capacity of the state, institutions of the political system, legal subsystems and institutions, state authorities, local self-government bodies, civil society.


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