Pomaza-Ponomarenko A.
Doctor in Public Administration, Senior Researcher of Science, Head of the Scientific Department for State Security Problems of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-5666-9350
Akhmedova O.
Doctor of Science in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business, Kyiv National University of Technology and Design
ORCID: 0000-0003-1573-7710
Batyr Yu.
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0001-5282-3680
Lopatchenko I.
PhD of Public Administration, Associate Professor, Lecturer of the Department of Public Administration in the sphere of Civil Defense of the Training Research and Production Centre, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine
ORCID: 0000-0002-4838-2154
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-25
The article establishes that the identification of infrastructural deficits of a social nature in the economic sphere is the methodological basis for identifying “bottlenecks” in the formation of a comprehensively equipped infrastructural environment of the territory. In this regard, the work has constructed a model for the development of system security, both in subject-functional and static-dynamic terms, which is interconnected with a system of tools for eliminating infrastructure deficits in various municipalities (territorial communities). The main goal of forming the social and economic infrastructure following the presented model is comprehensive social and economic development, eliminating social differentiation of territories by improving the availability of basic social services. It is argued that \ authorities must ensure the implementation of a balanced policy (social, financial-economic, credit, budgetary-distribution, energy, medical, environmental, migration, etc.). It is emphasized that the main vector of state and regional management should be aimed at analyzing and diagnosing the degree of provision of territories with infrastructure objects in a quantitative and functional context, provisional measures to maintain the functioning of existing objects and eliminate territorial imbalances in the placement and localization of infrastructure objects.
Keywords: public management, public management mechanisms, global security, national security, economic security, energy security, ecological sphere, social security, social development, sustainable development, urban agglomerations, infrastructure, migration, migration processes, mental health, health care i, reformation, lobbying.
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- Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated March 28, 2024 No. 125143.
- Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated May 29, 2024 No. 126885.
- Certificate of copyright registration for the work dated May 2, 2024 No. 126190.