Kopanchuk O.
PhD in Public Administration, Doctoral Student of the Reseacher and Production Center, National University of Civil Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv
DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.1-26
The article identifies trends in the development mechanism of public administration of national security in Ukraine. The basis for identifying these trends is the current regulatory framework in the field of national security support, including institutional support. Among these trends, first of all, the following are outlined: transfer of an important part of security functions to the regional and local levels, as they are closest to the population, as well as aggregation of its interests; ensuring national resistance, resistance movement, and territorial defense, etc.; introduction of the principle of voluntariness and publicity in the implementation of public management of national security (through the creation of voluntary fire brigades, voluntary formations of territorial defense), etc.
At the same time, the article considers the impact of the international situation on the formation of national security, response to a set of threats and countermeasures, and the use and potential use of armed and other forms of violence.
In conclusion, it was stated that in the general context, one of the priorities of the legal mechanism of public management of national security is to establish effective institutional cooperation in this area.
Keywords: state administration, mechanisms, national security, risks, authorities.
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