Spytsyn A.

PhD Student, National University of Civil Defence, Kharkiv
ORCID: 0009-0002-3949-1698


DOI: 10.52363/passa-2024.2-29.


A definition of the concept of "complex mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection" is proposed, which includes legal, economic, organizational and information mechanisms. It is determined that their basis is the appropriate methods and measures, in order to significantly reduce the risks of emergencies of a natural, technogenic and military nature, as well as mitigate the consequences of catastrophes and natural disasters in Ukraine by increasing the level of education and awareness of the individual, society about the risks of emergencies and measures to eliminate them. Vectors and scenarios for the development of the mechanism of public administration in the field of civil protection of Ukraine in the context of the implementation of its integration aspirations are substantiated. Among these scenarios, favorable, moderately threatening, dangerously threatening and critically threatening are distinguished.

Keywords: public administration, public administration mechanisms, development, national security, civil security, civil protection, emergencies, authorities, EU, Ukraine, EU Civil Protection Mechanism.


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